F. A. Qs
Provided is a list of our most frequently asked questions by both students and parents. Feel free to scroll through the list of questions to see if there is information that you may need to know. If you have any further questions or concerns please visit our contact page.
How much does Premiere Tutoring Los Angeles charge?
Rates start at $125/hour and vary on a sliding scale.
How do I pay?
Clients are required to prepay per project or by purchasing a desired number of hours. This can be
done by check, money order, credit card, PayPal, and Google Wallet. Premiere Tutoring Los Angeles will set up the payment method that works best for you and send invoices via email. Please contact us to get the process started.
Can I request a specific tutor?
​If you are familiar with one of our tutors, you may request them, although they may not be available.
What if I need to cancel an appointment?
Since our tutors handle many students at one time, all cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise you will be charged for the regularly scheduled appointment.
Can you come to my house or do I need to meet you somewhere?
If you prefer, most tutors can meet you in your own home. A neutral location (coffee shop, library) may also be chosen to accommodate both student and tutor.
How can I become a tutor?

Premiere Tutoring Los Angeles recruits the best and brightest Teachers, Students.. to provide top notch education for Southern California's students. For further information please click here.